Why Choose Us


About Our Pain Management Office

Chronic pain can be defined as any pain occurring most days or even everyday for more than 3 months. Across the country, chronic pain has become a huge public health issue. The CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) estimates that 50 million Americans are suffering. With the opioid crisis and unsatisfactory joint replacement surgeries on the rise, we opened our doors. At Joint Regeneration of Pennsylvania, we believe in better, more natural and less invasive treatments to manage your pain.

In our office, each patient receives individualized care and attention to address their unique needs. During the consultation, our providers will discuss your pain levels and life goals before assessing the best treatments. What would you do if the pain was gone?

Using the most up-to-date scientific information, technology and treatment protocols, we aim to relieve your pain without surgery or drugs. Our goal is to help keep you pain-free, active and living your best life.

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